Now Hiring Caregivers

Simple, Reliable IDD Care in Missouri

We make caregiving easier for everyone - with the state'shighest caregiver pay, easy access to our team, and great service.

Family members spending quality time together

We support not just individuals, but entire families on their care journey.

Person with intellectual and developmental disabilities living a fulfilling life

Every person deserves the opportunity to live their best life. We're here to make that possible.

Caring professional helping someone with daily activities

Our caregivers are dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized support.

Want to hire friends or family?Perfect. Let's make it happen.

Why Choose Us?

Best Pay for Caregivers

We offer the highest caregiver pay in Missouri. Happy caregivers provide better care.

Simple Process

No complicated paperwork or confusion. We handle the exhausting details so you can focus on what matters.

Access Real People, Anytime.

No automated systems or long wait times. Call or text (816) 301-4394 anytime for immediate answers from our team who know you by name.

You're in Control

Already have a caregiver? Bring them to our team! You choose the schedule and caregiver that works best for you or your loved one - because nobody knows your care needs better than you.

Are We a Good Fit for You?

We work best with people who want more control over their care. You're likely a great fit if:

You have Medicaid or DMH funding
You want better pay as a caregiver
You are comfortable with smartphones
You have people you can sign up as caregivers
You can manage your caregivers and their schedules
Now Hiring Caregivers

Join Our Care Community

Every caregiver earns the top rate from day one - no exceptions, no complicated tiers.

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